Friday, April 17, 2020


SAS is a privately-owned creator of software in the globe. It was ranked as the finest company to work in, owing to their drive to provide customers with the greatest business methodical technology and sustenance. The company has a user friendly HR strategy which provides technology applications enabling its customers to navigate easily and capitalize in the challenges and opportunities faced in their business life.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Well-designed HR systems in SAS specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company has its own balanced scorecard solution which includes a planned and HR vision software. The measurement of HR strategies is the best starting point to deal with an economy where value creation is dominated by human capital and some assets which are indefinable. Strategy is part of their goal, enabling the organization to learn how to lever the knowledge to their advantage. Combining s trategy and analytics has remarkably made the organization make informed decisions concerning the welfare of its customers (Cary and Lincoln 2000). The organization provides its employees with balanced lives which eventually lead to business and adept technology which can be appreciated. An environment that inspires the employees is offered, allowing them to build long-term relationships with their customers and focus in solving their economic troubles. As a result, SAS gleaned greater value from the huge volumes of data they collect resulting in their being the leader in business analytics. SAS enables its customers to turn vast quantity of data into usable knowledge in a supportive, encouraging and empowering culture. The employees create hours that they feel work best for them, and they end up feeling like a family. It is possible for another firm to adapt to the culture of SAS. Creating a family-like environment for its employees is influential in increasing the productivity of employees. Conflicting HRM practices Conflicting practices in HRM is one of the reasons of lack of total performance in any organization. There are two levels that HRM is concerned with; the recruitment, motivating and developing of competent employees, and the assignment of conflict management. A level of conflict is usually experienced in many organizations hence the HRM specialist must formulate methods to eliminate or alter the conflict that arises (Campbell, Macklin Pinnington 2007). The conflicts usually involve achieving targets of production against representing the interests of the workforce. Achieve a balance between the two is indeed a hard task in this time of political and economic reforms.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Recommendations Organizations must understand that the endowment and commitment of their staff and managers are their greatest asset s. There must be structural challenges in the organization which must ensure that the workforce of the organization get recognition for their work. Managers must posses principled negotiating and counseling skills in order to handle issues of vacancies, transfer and voluntary retirement of employees. Local management enlightening and training mechanisms must be developed to equip the management with the necessary skills. Attempts to recruit and retain highly skilled workers must be made from the onset in order to have a minimal workforce which is productive. The company should embrace the idea of development of the careers of the employees and enable discussions on their career and aspirations (Campbell, Macklin Pinnington 2007). Conclusion It is the responsibility of HR departments to ensure that their organization creates a favorable environment for its employees. Suitable working conditions create greater productivity and career enhancement. Highly-efficient employees will be mo tivated to be more productive and boost the organization’s image. References Campbell, T. Macklin, R. Pinnington, A. (2007). Human resource management:Â  ethics and employment. New York: Oxford university press. Cary, N. Lincoln, M. (2000). Balanced Scorecard Collaborative Taps SAS for HRÂ  Action Working Group. Web. This research paper on Well-designed HR systems in SAS was written and submitted by user Keaton Durham to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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