Saturday, May 16, 2020

Related Literature -Rh Bill - 1675 Words

The link between population growth and economic development was the subject of intense research from the 1960s to the 1980s. A common view was that rapid population growth – of two percent or higher per year then prevailing in many developing countries – was more likely to hinder than foster economic development. This negative effect operates via reduced child care and human capital investment, lower household savings for private and public investments, and constraints on allocative efficiency, entrepreneurship and innovation. Rapid population growth results in available capital being thinly spread among many workers, as well as in fiscal and environmental externalities (Pernia, et al. 2004). The House Bill No. 5043, more commonly†¦show more content†¦An average annual spending on education per student falls from P5, 558 for a one-child family to P682 for a family with 9 or more children. With this, the educational quality will be greatly affected. Moreover an average health spending per capita drops from P1700 for a one-child family to P150 for nine or more children in a family. There is obviously a huge difference between the two. Should the family size be smaller, the parents can be able to provide the basic needs of the child without sacrificing its quality. C. It will reduce the induced and illegal abortions. There is evidence that the poor prefer smaller families, except that they are unable to achieve their preference. Among the poorest 10% of women reproductive age an average of 44% are unwanted pregnancies. (FPS 2006) Unwanted births represent a considerable unmet need for family planning services. These unwanted pregnancies often results to induced and illegal abortions. In 2000, almost half a million â€Å"unwanted babies’ were aborted. (Juares, 2005) D. The bill will promote information on both natural and modern family planning methods. It was stated earlier that 22% of poor married woman of reproductive age express a desire to avoid pregnancies but are not able to. This is because of the lack of information. Due to that fact, contraceptive use remainsShow MoreRelatedThesis Proposal: Rh Law in the Philippines2075 Words   |  9 PagesFramework of the Study Introduction of the Study On August 16, 1999, the first version of what is known as the Reproductive Health Bill is filed in the 11th Congress as House Bill 8110. Nothing came out of House Bill 8110. In the succeeding 12th Congress, Rep Bellaflor Angara filed a similar bill. House Bill 4110 was the first bill to be called the Reproductive Health Bill. The bill was refiled and refiled until it made progress in the 14th Congress. 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