Thursday, December 12, 2019

Community Engagement for Balmain Rugby Club- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCommunity Engagement for Balmain Rugby Club. Answer: Introduction The report deals with sustainability that is required in order to maintain a community. In order to understand the sustainability that exists in an organisation, analysis of a non-profit organisation is conducted. The non-profit organisation in focus for the report is the Balmain Rugby Club. The Balmain Rugby Club is a rugby union club located in Sydney, New South Wales. The club was set up in the year 1873 and over the years, it has developed into a successful club in the local regions of the country. It has produced many talented individuals associated with the sport ( 2017). The report highlights the possibility of maintaining sustainability in the organisation and the need for volunteers. The difference between the treatments given to the volunteers in comparison to the employees is analysed in the report. The aspects of sustainability and the concern of the stakeholders are highlighted in the report. Application of aspects of community sustainability Potential for sustainability In order to maintain sustainability, it is necessary to ensure that an organisation is supported by various factors that can contribute to its wellbeing (Zetterlund, Hallstedt and Broman 2016, p.287). The employees and volunteers, financial stability and the environment of the place ensure the sustainability of an organisation. In the case of Balmain Rugby Club, the financial stability of the club is depended on a number of tickets sold. The environment cannot be said to be clean as most spectators spill drinks and edibles while at the stadium. However, sustainability is maintained as the possibility as the volunteers do not allow any substances to be carried inside the stadium that may be harmful to the public. Hence, the potential opportunity of maintaining sustainability is high in this regard. Need for volunteers Volunteers are required for maintaining an event in a proper manner (Fallon and Rice 2015, p.485). In the case of national sporting events, the importance of volunteers is necessary in order to ensure that the public does not have any problem while enjoying the sport. Balmain Rugby Club ensures that the volunteers are the local people that have an interest in serving the society. The volunteers need to ensure sustainability is maintained in the organisation and the people visiting the stadium contribute towards the sustainability. Another advantage that volunteers can provide is the fact that they can be employed with a minimum wage. According to Cohen (2013, p.78), this is an important aspect of an organisation as the business can flourish without having to spend financial amount. Treatment of volunteers versus paid employees Hahn et al. (2014, p.463) stated that there is always a debate that exists about the importance of volunteers over the paid employees in an organisation. This is a debatable factor in the case of sports organisations as in most occasions it is seen that volunteers are responsible for maintaining the crowd as well as the services required for the maintenance of the stadium. Hence, most sports organisation, prefer to favour the volunteers to the employees. This is a similar story in the case of Balmain Rugby Club. This is because being a stadium of national importance, the aim to maintain the sustainability and the cleanliness of the place is a huge factor for the stadium. Hence, the facilities given to be employees is less than the facilities given to the volunteers. Point of differentiation within the community In order to maintain sustainability, most of the times differences exist within the community of business. This is mainly because of the fact that sustainability requires changes in the society. Opposition comes from the people that do not want changes in the society or in the organisation (Crane and Matten 2016, p.88). Hence, in this regard, it is necessary to maintain sustainability in the society by carrying out proper responsibilities towards the society. Balmain Rugby Club needs to ensue that the rugby players promote the importance of sustainability and bring about mutual understanding between the people in the society. The differentiation within the community exists due to the attitude of the people and the fear of changes occurring in the lives. Positive or negative issues regarding sustainability Issues regarding the maintenance of sustainability can be associated with the responses received from the people (Bebbington, Unerman and O'Dwyer 2014, p.23). The positivity that arises due to sustainability is the fact that people can have a healthy lifestyle. The cleanliness of the environment can be maintained and the stadium can be free from any hazardous activities. However, sustainability requires extra effort and cost. Without a proper financial structure, an organisation cannot undertake a process to maintain sustainability. These issues can be related to the organisational situation that exists in Balmain Rugby Club. The positive and negative factor that exists within an organisation denotes the fact that the managers of Balmain Rugby Club need to promote sustainability in the organisation. Relation to the theory The four-dimensional model of sustainability can be applied in order to ensure the effectiveness of sustainable situation within an organisation (Bundy, Shropshire and Buchholtz 2013, p.352). The prism of sustainability defines four dimensions that include social, economic, environmental and institutional. These four dimensions define the theme required for sustainable development in a community. Hence, it can be said that the sustainability situation that exists in Balmain Rugby Club can be related to the four-dimensional model. For example, the social aspect includes the engagement of the volunteers while the environmental aspect includes protecting the interest of the environment. These factors define the sustainability practice of Balmain Rugby Club and help in protecting the environment. Thus, the theory related to sustainability can be a major factor for promoting the concept among the people involved with Balmain Rugby Club. Concern of stakeholder According to Andriof et al. (2017, p.67), the stakeholders provide the major investment in an organisation. An organisation functions due to the investment made by the stakeholders. The investment can come in the form of financial support or from feedbacks regarding the change in strategy of the organisation. Hence, in the case of maintaining sustainability, the concern of the stakeholders is an important aspect due to the finance involved in promoting and implementing sustainability. The stakeholders can provide ideas about the ways to promote sustainability in the organisation (Weiss 2014, p.54). Balmain Rugby Club can involve stakeholders in the form of employees and the volunteers in order to gain an idea about the ways that can be implemented to promote the idea of sustainability among the people. However, the stakeholders also need to keep in mind the fact that the sale of tickets is maintained in order to enhance financial stability. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that the promotion of sustainability among a community can help in saving the environment. Non-profit organisations can ensure that the sustainability of the organisation and the community is maintained by applying theories related to sustainability. Balmain Rugby Club needs to ensure that the volunteers play a vital role in promoting the sustainability in the stadium. It is necessary to involve the stakeholders while maintaining sustainability in the environment. The positive and negative aspect of sustainability is analysed in order to understand the ways required to maintain a balance between the business and maintenance of sustainability. Reference Andriof, J., Waddock, S., Husted, B. and Rahman, S.S., 2017.Unfolding stakeholder thinking: theory, responsibility and engagement. Routledge. (2017).Balmain Rugby. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2017]. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B. eds., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Bundy, J., Shropshire, C. and Buchholtz, A.K., 2013. Strategic cognition and issue salience: Toward an explanation of firm responsiveness to stakeholder concerns.Academy of Management Review,38(3), pp.352-376. Cohen, A.P., 2013.Symbolic construction of community. 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