Friday, December 20, 2019

Outlaw Poverty, Not Prostitution Essay - 1815 Words

Prostitution is famously known as â€Å"the world’s oldest profession.† Lots of scholars like to nitpick this and say that hunting or gathering actually deserves that title, but the fact remains that it is currently and historically ubiquitous: all ancient and modern cultures have had their own form of prostitution, from ancient Greece and the Aztecs to modern-day America. For example, the ancient Greek historian Herodotus in his Histories talks about ancient Mesopotamians practicing sacred or â€Å"temple prostitution,† a worship practice that enacts symbolic marriage between a god and a goddess with humans representing the deities. In ancient Rome, prostitutes were often foreign slaves or people of the poor, lower class. In ancient Greece,†¦show more content†¦Sex workers today still face these same problems. In fact, it wasn’t until a crucial event in 1975 in Lyons, France that the sex workers’ rights movement really emerged. When 150 pr ostitutes took over a church to protest the inaction, lack of protection and abuse from law enforcement, the world took notice. The protest stimulated the development of organizations around the world in England, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, the Netherlands, and the United States, and in 1985, an â€Å"international instrument† for sex workers’ rights was born: the World Charter for Prostitutes’ Rights (Sanders, ONeill and Pitcher 95-96). The Charter required the decriminalization, regulation and protection of adult prostitution, demanded basic human rights and civil liberties, freedom from discrimination, the right to pay taxes and receive benefits, along with addressing the importance of educational programs that would change public opinion and work towards the de-stigmatization of the profession (Sanders, ONeill and Pitcher 96-97). While the World Whores’ Congress at which this Charter was born was a monumental, historical advancement for the movement, it faced initial skepticism and ridicule. An article in Time derisively referred to the convention as â€Å"hookers† in the â€Å"hallowed halls of the European Parliament.† It also faced opposition from some feminists who believe prostitution to be detrimental to women in allShow MoreRelated Deviance In Society Essay666 Words   |  3 Pagesmeanings to unconformity on a cultural norm. It depends on that the state of society, and its region. Prostitution is a profession that has existed since the beginning of society. Prostitution is viewed as a sleazy way of making money. The United States outlaws this profession, because it degrades females. Yet it is legal, and accepted in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. 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